Locally Sourced Food: Why Its Better For You
Here at Miramonti we like to try and give back to our local Alpine community however we can. In our Miramonti Restaurant we like to get some of our produce from local food sources. We have a number of Italian dishes that contain food from businesses here in Valtellina – like our tasty Pizzoccheri featuring a local favourite Casera cheese. To find out some more about food locally produced here, check out our Valtellina Cuisine: Top Dishes and Specialties to Try blog. There are so many benefits that buying locally sourced food can bring, not only to yourself but your whole community. Here’s the reasons why you should try can buy locally sourced food.
Fresh Tomatoes.
Your Own Health
TRANSPORTATION – As the food is from your local community, it doesn’t have to travel far to meet its destination. So you’re getting the produce as fresh as it can be - without all the added preservatives and others nasty’s that large agricultural companies use to conserve freshness.
PESTICIDES – Usually, local food producers choose to use organic and natural pest repellents in order to maintain the health of their food. When buying from companies that have a larger scale of production, they often mass spray their produce with chemical pesticides – you can imagine this is not the best for your health.
DIET CONDITIONS – It goes without saying, your body will not agree with the consumption of chemicals. Some people are more sensitive than others and will have to avoid consumption of such things. Locally sourced food gives people with these allergies/digestion issues an alternative.
FOOD SAFETY – This is definitely a growing concern among consumers. People have become more cautious with level of contamination risk in their food. Just picture how many hands produce must go through when travelling across the globe – causing a bigger risk of contamination.
Imported Goods.
PROTECT SMALL FARMLAND – Farms maintain a level of green-land in communities, it’s important to help them profit, so they can continue their business. This will protect green areas. Otherwise, these areas may be developed for industrial or commercial purposes. Farmland also attracts biodiversity and offers a safe home for wildlife.
FOOD MILES – If you’ve never heard of food miles, here’s the deal – it’s used to describe the distance that produce travels, from the place it was produced to the customer. When foods are travelling long distance, they use a larger amount of harmful fossil fuels. So, by reducing the food miles, it helps to reduce the level of fossil fuels, air pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions.
ACCOUNTABILITY – With food being locally produced more frequently, it gives the consumer the opportunity to understand how food is being produced. The increased awareness urges farmers to use sustainable practices. Many even actively aim for organic certification, so that they can further improve their nutritional value whilst reducing their environmental impact.
Fresh Herbs.
LOCAL FARMERS GAIN BETTER PROFIT – Unlike large agricultural businesses, local farmers do not have to pay for large transportation and distribution costs. When buying from these local businesses, you can be assured that your money is being used for more good than if you went to a larger company.
EMPLOYMENT – With farms needing workers, it means they provide your community with more jobs. Obviously, this boosts employment levels and in turn will lead to a better economy. You will be directly contributing to help all those around you – allowing local farming economy to grow as well.
SUPPLY LOCAL BUSINESSES – Local food producers can supply their meat and produce to other local businesses, just like here at Miramonti. This increases the level of demand for the local produce even further.
Farmers Market.
LOCAL FAMILIES – Often farms are family run businesses. Sometimes, these families look at it as even more than a business. It’s their way of life and they try to preserve it for generations to come. You can support them and provide them with the means to continue their family tradition.
TOGETHERNESS – There’s no doubt that your local farmers have their own close network, as well as their own network of buyers. You can even make purchases directly from the farmer yourself. It promotes the relationships that your fellow community members have with one another. Creating a lovely sense of togetherness and belonging.
EMPOWERMENT – As we touched on earlier, consumers are becoming more concerned with what exactly happens with their food before it reaches their plates. Well, the local food produce gives them the ability to know more about food production, directly from the farmers themselves.
As you can see, there are many satisfying parts to buying locally sourced foods. Its nice to know that your purchase is making a positive different to yourself, the people around you and even the whole world. Next time you find yourself at Albergo Miramonti, you should definitely take a trip to our restaurant, so you can give some of the Valtellina sourced food a try. In the meantime, check out our blog to learn more about the wonderful surroundings of our Alpine Hotel.