Miramonti Corteno


Miramonti is Featured in NewH UK Magazine!

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Image: The NewH Magazine ‘Albergo Miramonti’ Feature

Image: The NewH Magazine ‘Albergo Miramonti’ Feature

To our delight, our beloved Alpine hotel in Corteno Golgi was featured by one of the UK’s most premium hospitality industry networks. They are a vital supporter of the industry, providing scholarships, education, leadership development, recognition of excellence and further opportunities. NewH UK has a voice in matters such as interior design and architecture, featuring beautifully-designed hotels all over the world. Our talented partners, BoxxCreative, were interviewed by the magazine about the development of Albergo Miramonti, discussing the vision of the hotel and what conscious design changes were made to create such a contemporary but eco-friendly build. As the heading of the article states, the design “draws from nature in a quaint, sustainable Italian hotel”, and we could not agree more. The most remarkable thing about our hotel is the location – surrounded by the breathtaking Italian Alps, along with its gorgeous evergreen forests and snow-capped mountains, - it is the perfect inspiration for the hotel design.

“Scandinavian Inspiration”

 As the article states, many of the rooms have been inspired by Scandinavian design. This was made evident through the “wall-lighting” and the “round metal nightstands” creating a “strong visual impact”. As with many Scandinavian designs, they usually feature ‘wood’ and ‘simple accents’ which is seen in many of the rooms. BoxxCreative incorporated natural materials such as the “solid trunks” that “link to the surrounding area”, and stone sinks that were included in many of the ensuite bathrooms. The ‘scandi’ style is all about comfort, and as NewH UK found, all the Hotel Rooms integrate a mood of relaxation with its blue and green hues along with the soft cotton fabrics and linen.



In the interview, the sustainable practices of constructing the hotel were mentioned. We pride ourselves with the way the building was built and designed, with “energy-saving principles” in mind. BoxxCreative worked with local contractors to ensure that the wood used was locally-sourced, so in this case, ‘pine’ is a highly abundant wood that was utilised to construct all 51 rooms of the hotel - including the Hotel Spa and Cigar Lounge. When they had leftover wood chips, they were ‘burnt in the furnace’ to provide heat for the surrounding houses in the village. Not only the wood, but the carpets were also sustainably sourced with recycled fibre from the region. This gives us a sense of relief that the carbon footprint was reduced significantly by these decisions between the design agency and us.


We hope to serve as an inspiration to many other hotels for our sustainable practices when renovating Albergo Miramonti – it is an important matter that needs to be addressed in this day and age where Climate Change is inevitable. Even if it’s reusing unused wood for new materials or the heat of the local village, every little thing counts. We give major credit to our design agency which contributed to the gorgeous look of our Sustainable Hotel, and I’m sure our grandfather’s vision has been met or even exceeded. Lastly, we also give thanks to NewH Magazine for featuring us in their Autumn edition! We are very honoured to have been starred in their latest article. 

For more of the latest news about our hotel, read our blog: 

·             Winners of the Miramonti Sponsorship Prize at Amigos De Partagas

·             Sky Marathon ‘4 Luglio’: Stairway to the Sky

·             Encuentro Amigos de Partagas Italia: A Second Year Running




NewsPatricia Sanchez